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Research Question: What is the relationship between the age and diameter of a star cluster? 

Hypothesis: Older star clusters will have a larger diameter than younger star clusters

The best fit line shows that older  open star clusters tend to have a smaller diameter than younger open star clusters
The first thing we did was look up a set of data of many open star clusters. We then found the age and angular diameter that was already provided and documented that. Next we converted the angular diameter to diameter in length.

We can also continue our research by recording new data of different types of clusters. Including those of different galaxies. We could also remove the outliers on the graph above and see if it changes the line of best fit.

A cluster basically a group of stars, bounded together by gravity. There are two different kinds of clusters: open clusters and globular clusters. The one that our group focused on were open clusters. 

This is an example of an open cluster -->

What Are Clusters?
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